Episode 7, right on time; enjoy! I'm not really sure how long the Neighbors arc is going to last, but there is at least one more part that I have to get out there before I move on to the next arc. Hope that's ok with you guys.
So, I haven't read a new comic in more than a month because of weather delays. Of course, I only get my comics once monthly, so maybe it's not that big of a deal. I got an email from my retail outlet, and they tell me that everything is in now, and I should see my stack in the mail around Tuesday or so.
On the bright side, I've had some time to read Book Three of Peter David's 'Sir Apropos of Nothing' series, 'Tong Lashing'. All three books are hilarious and fun reading; check them out if you get the chance.
I've also had time to put in to 'Heavenly Sword' on PS3, and it's really fun so far. Of course, a few more of my friends got a PS3 under their Christmas trees...and with new PS3s comes new clan members in WarHawk.
Well, that's all for now. I've got a special (not a part of the storyline) multi-page episode in the works, and I plan to post it on a non-Friday in the near future, so be on the look out for that. Otherwise, be sure to check back here next week for a fresh, new episode.
1 comment:
Great oogly-moogly... I forget how bursty the Superwoman Elseworld figure is. Its a shame she's always on clearance, but great for my pocket book *Esbat away!*
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